Woodland Walk in St. Catherine's Park, Lucan


11:00 am - 1:00 pm


Dublin, Dublin

Event Type

Join ecologist Faith Wilson on a guided walk around St. Catherine’s Park, consisting of about 200 acres of woodland and grassland. Plant enthusiasts may see yellow archangel, wood anemone, hairy St. John’s wort and toothwort. The woodland also supports a variety of trees, including ash, beech, horse chestnut, sycamore, hazel, holly and yew. You may also spot birds like treecreepers, siskins, blackcaps and jays among the trees.

All are welcome, no booking necessary. The group will meet at the car park, near the ranger base. Please note that this event involves walking and standing outdoors, so bring comfortable and appropriate clothing and footwear.

See eventsinfingal.ie/events/woodland-walk for information, or contact biodiversity@fingal.ie in case of issues or questions.

Presented by Fingal County Council as part of the Fingal Biodiversity Events Programme