Location: Castleblayney, Co Monaghan
Calling all nature enthusiasts and citizen scientists!
Are you interested in learning more about recording biodiversity and uploading records to the National Biodiversity Data Centre? Recording local species is vitally important for the management and conservation of wildlife and the more active citizen scientists we have, the more we can learn about our biodiversity.
This event will be an introduction to biological recording and will look at using the NBDC website and app to upload records. Kieran Flood will be our speaker, and the presentation / Q&A will be followed by a practical session – a walk through lovely Muckno Park where participants can put their recording skills to the test.
Monaghan is currently 28th in the County League of records, let’s see if we can make it to the top ten!
Meeting point: Confirmed upon booking
Booking info: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/896140589627?aff=oddtdtcreator
Contact: monaghanbranch@iwt.ie
Price: Free